© Copyright 2025 American Song Archives, LLC
From making a donation to gifting a membership, here are the ways you can support the Bob Dylan Center in its mission to inspire and celebrate fearless creativity by exploring the music and artistry of the Nobel Prize-winning singer-songwriter as a catalyst for personal expression and cultural change.
Your tax-deductible donation will help preserve the Bob Dylan Archive® and support the center’s mission-based programming, including school outreach, guest artists and internship and fellowship opportunities.
When you become a Bob Dylan Center member, you join a global community of music aficionados and lifelong learners.
Click below to learn more about available membership levels and their benefits.
“And it is a living monument: an entrancing, immersive, take-you-by-the-lapels destination that doubles as a campus for learning and exploring.”
Douglas Brinkley – Vanity Fair
The Bob Dylan Center gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our key donors, partners and members.
Bob Dylan Center extends our condolences and appreciation to the families of our supporters.
In Memory of LeRoy Hoikkala
In Memory of Dan Young
In Memory of Michael B. Chambers
In Memory of Rod Yack
In Memory of Sean Boneri
In Memory of David Loomis
In Memory of Jane Gibson
Gift memberships are a wonderful way to share the gift of Bob Dylan Center admission and event access while supporting the center’s mission.
Bob Dylan Center
116 E Reconciliation Way, Tulsa, OK 74103
Wednesday – Sunday: 10AM – 6PM
918.392.3353 | info@bobdylancenter.com